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S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: agost, 2013

"The Guns Of August", Barbara W. Tuchman

The Guns Of August Barbara W. Tuchman, 1962 Presidio Press, ebook kindle The Guns of August is a book about the World War I, maybe one of the most popular ever written about that matter. In fact, it is said that its first page is the most beautiful page ever written about history, the description of the funerals of Edward VII, king of England, in 1910. This event is, in the mind of the author of the book, the last act of the XIX century, because what was about to happen, the WWI, was to be the real beginning of a new era. In this book, Barbara Tuchman focuses its attention in the countries that played a leading role at the beginning of the war: United Kingdom, France, Germany and Russia. She analyses how did they prepare the European war, a war that nobody wanted but everybody felt it was to start sooner or later. She explains the war plans of France and Germany, the countries that were going to lead the two military alliances. It is very interesting to compare the aim of the...